This is a video from Denver, Colorado, where a resident on her balcony spotted two Jedi having a lightsaber duel “in 30° degree weather while it’s snowing outside.” Well sure, you don’t really postpone a lightsaber battle due to inclement weather. When you need to gut someone with a plasma
Because it’s imperative you actually defend your territory after marking it, this is a video of Charlie the cocker spaniel fearlessly battling a leaf blower. Just look at him charging into battle — he truly is a brave warrior. I think he wins too, provided winning is based on how
This is a video from BT Sport Boxing of a series of bouts that took place with no audience due to COVID-19, so you can actually hear the sounds of the fights. Specifically the punches landing, the coaches yelling instructions, and everything the ref says. Like silence on a Saturday
This is a video of samurai descendant Kaito Suiju, master of the Hisui school of battōjutsu and instructor at Hisui Tokyo, discussing and rating “the realism of katana sword scenes in movies, including skills of actors, the way they hold and train with the swords, as well as the choreography