This is a video of the Guinness World Record holder for largest drone light show, with 3,051 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) participating in the high-flying performance. The record was achieved by the Shenzhen Damoda Intelligent Control Technology Company in Zhuhai, China. Is, uh, is anybody else concerned this company has over 3,000 drones at their disposal? And is it just a coincidence the acronym of their name, SDICTC, has the same number of letters and starts with an S just like Skynet?! Connect the dots, people! I’m serious *slipping connect-the-dot page on table* go ahead, connect them. “Wait — is this…a penis?” Haha, an adult connect-the-dots book managed to slip through the cracks at the thrift store! Best fifty cents I’ve ever spent, hands down.