Presumably much to the delight of Meghan Treanor, this is a video of low bass-singer Geoff Castellucci covering ‘Ghost Riders In The Sky’ while dressed as a group of ghastly cowboys. He has a deep voice. You know who also has a deep voice? Me. You probably didn’t know it since you only read what I say and don’t hear it, but I’ve got the sort of booming voice you really feel in your, well — you know. “Ballsack.” It’s true. As a matter of fact, along with some Johnny Cash songs, ‘Ghost Riders In The Sky’ is one of the few songs I’ll sing at karaoke. My buddy Tim and I used to perform it duet style and bring the house down with just how insanely drunk and terrible we were. It was just…screaming and making cowboy whip and pistol sounds.