Because you have to start somewhere, this is a compilation video from the Voyageurs Wolf Project of Minnesota featuring a bunch of wolf pups learning to howl. How precious are they?! Just enjoy it while you can, because once they’re all grown a bunch of wolfs howling is the last
This is a video of a herd of baby Nigerian Dwarf goats at Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine wearing sunflower rompers and romping around a barn. This is just what I needed to get my week started. Granted it will probably all be downhill from here, and by the
Because sometimes you need a palate cleanser (or vaccine) after exposure to the rest of the internet, this is an 8-minute compilation of baby goats jumping around in slow motion at the Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine. According to one of their caretakers, “The amount of effort a baby
This is a video of a baby so filled with the holy spirit during its baptism that it tries to walk on water and ends up faceplanting in the stone baptismal font. The font is what that little pool is called — I just learned that. Me? I was baptized
This is some rare drone footage of a North Atlantic right whale nursing and bonding with its calf in the waters of Cape Cod Bay. Now I don’t know about you, but it still boggles my mind that whales have nipples. Granted they’re not traditional external nipples but enclosed in
This is a side-by-side comparison posted by new mom Dani Grier Mulvenna, who commented how much her baby looks like Woody Harrelson. Then Woody caught wind of the post and wrote baby Cora a poem. How precious is that? They do look insanely similar. “I’ll call Maury.” Nah, call Woody
This is a short compilation video of an armful of babies instinctively avoiding grass. Why do babies avoid grass? Because it doesn’t look like regular ground, that’s why. It could be green water for all they know. Heck, it could be green water for all we know too. I don’t
This is a video report from a news agency (BBC) that attacks the hard-hitting stories just like I do, reporting about a baby seal that broke into the home of a New Zealand marine biologist (“Study me!” I imagine the seal thinking) via a cat door, raising heck (even harassing