Presumably taking a little breather from synchronized dancing, this a video of a Boston Dynamics Atlas humanoid robot completing tasks fully autonomously. That means absolutely no human intervention. Which is a relief, because I was worried robots might not be able to complete their tasks after exterminating us all. Some
This is a video highlighting the evolution of Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS humanoid robot over the past 40 years, including from before Boston Dynamics even existed and early legged robotic locomotion was being studied at MIT’s Leg Lab. It was actually pretty interesting to see the walking technology develop. Sometimes by
Presumably to present their robotic death army as less threatening than it actually is, this is a video of Sparkles, a Boston Dynamics Spot quadruped robot that the company has dressed up in sparkly blue fur so we can all pretend it’s Blue from Blue’s Clues and not the harbinger
These is a video from harbinger of robotic doom Boston Dynamics unveiling their new ATLAS humanoid robot, which appears significantly less boxy than its predecessor, and with almost all its joints able to rotate 360-degrees so it can move like the possessed girl in The Exorcist. That’s nice, that’s something
Harnessing the power of ChatGPT, Boston Dynamics has turned one of their Spot quadruped robots into a talking tour guide, capable of providing tours of their facility with a variety of personalities, including a 1920’s archaeologist, Shakespearean actor, British butler, and bleak sarcastic guy “Josh”. All of the different personalities
Seen here looking like it’s fleeing the scene of a bank robbery, this is a video of Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS humanoid robot demonstrating its latest capabilities in order to deliver a toolbag to a human coworker. In the clip, it picks up a board and makes a bridge for itself
Trim as in decorate, not trim as in cut, but give them a chainsaw attachment and I’m sure they could do that as well. Make you need a pair bionic legs too. This is a video of a trio of Boston Dynamics’ Spot quadruped robots putting a bow on the
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of The Rolling Stones’ ‘Tattoo You’ album, this is a video of four of Boston Dynamics’ Spot quadruped robots recreating the music video for ‘Start Me Up’. I’m sure baby boomer moms are fainting everywhere. Admittedly, the robots really do a fantastic