This is the first trailer for next summer’s release of Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny. Hopefully they pumped the brakes after that last alien installment of the franchise. It looks good, although I don’t want to get my hopes too high and get burned like that POS Nazi
The Meat Loaf has left the building. I remember listening to Bat Out Of Hell regularly growing up because my dad had it on a CD in the six-disc changer in the trunk of the Lincoln Town Car. I wasn’t particularly in love with it all at the time (although
I don’t think I ever owned a Cabbage Patch Kids doll, but I did have the playhouse growing up. I got it for like my fifth birthday. This one right HERE. God, I spent so much time in there getting stung by the bees that also called it home. Enter
Available for pre-order from McFarlane Toys (shipping in November), this is the line of The Princess Bride action figures featuring the likenesses of Westley (aka the Dread Pirate Roberts), Princess Buttercup, Inigo Montoya, and Fezzik. All the figures feature 22 moving parts for maximum articulation and Westley, Princess Buttercup and
The DuckTales theme song: I know it better than my girlfriend’s birthday (I thinks he was born in the summer-ish?). And this is the DuckTales theme song but without the Tales, only the Duck. Why? *looking around* I mean this is a series of tubes, is it not? What did
This is an artificial intelligence powered upscale and remastering of the 1985 Thundercats cartoon intro (previously: this absolutely stunning CGI recreation of the intro). Like whenever I wear a suit, it looks GOOD. “But you never wear a suit.” A bathing suit. “Oh my.” Dare me to jump off the
This is what will now be known as the Spectrum Of Kindness, a barcode style chart created by data lover Owen Llewellyn Henry Jean Phillips to celebrate Mister Rogers’ birthday by presenting the color of every cardigan he wore on Mister Rogers’ neighborhood in chronological order from 1969 – 2001
This is the very appropriately titled ‘This F***’d Me Up as a kid!’, a compilation video of movie scenes predominately from the 80’s and 90’s that were nightmare fuel for kids to watch. Most scary, some heartbreaking. Obviously, the worst of them all has been and always will be– “Artax