This is a 1992 commercial for the latest and greatest in spreadsheet applications: Microsoft Excel. In the ad, a businessdude makes a super shitty 4 x 4 spreadsheet on what appears to be the world’s first laptop that blows everybody’s minds and saves the day. Full disclosure: I hate, and
This is a 1985 commercial for the all new size Chevy Astro Van, back when minivans were still megafun and not just sad boxes to tote your screaming tykes around in. They really need to start making commercials like this again, because I’d buy whatever they’re selling. The 30-second ad
This is a commercial for the Yomega Brain yo-yo (Amazon ad link) aired during Saturday morning cartoons in the 90’s. It perfectly encapsulates the nineties in a now painful to watch 30-second ad. God, I was one of those kids. Toss in a kid with terrible hand-foot coordination playing hacky
This is a 1977 television commercial for the original Star Wars film focusing on the romance between Luke and Leia. In hindsight it seems super creepy, but Luke and Leia being siblings was never part of George Lucas’s plan when the movie was made. Or even when The Empire Strikes
This is an ad created by director Lucas Zanotto for Italian furniture manufacturer PLANK using a bunch of their designs to perform ping pong ball trick shots (previously: this maniac’s trick shots). Apparently it took Lucas and his nephew over two weeks and 2,000 attempts to sink all the shots
How about those Super Bowls, huh? Not really that super. Nobody even managed to bowl three strikes in a row. Even I’ve gotten two before. This is the full version of Cadillac’s Super Bowl ad for their all-electric LYRIQ vehicle, starring Edward Scissorhands’ son Edgar (plus mom Kim, Winona Ryder)
This is some behind-the-scenes footage from an Esurance commercial starring a couple on a roller coaster, and the guy clearly isn’t a big fan of roller coasters (a person working on the commercial said it was actually one of his greatest fears). You’d never be able to tell from the
This is an Uber Eats commercial starring bat-wielding Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart arguing over what they’re going to have for dinner like everybody has to eat the same thing or somebody gets brained, followed by a bit of awkward miscommunication. Honestly, if I were Uber this is not how