This is a video from Gatlinburg, Tennessee of an oblivious woman on her cell phone being followed by a bear outside a motel. After the person filming gets her attention (during which they absentmindedly filmed cars in the parking lot), the woman turns around, sees the bear, and does what
In if it fits, I sits news, this is a video of two cats who have turned their owner’s new plant shelves into bunk beds. I love bunk beds. Except when I roll out of them in the middle of the night. Also, you can’t really complain about your cats
Because nature calls, this is a video of a grazing cow somewhere far more beautiful than where I live stopping by a nearby restaurant’s dining patio to casually pee a waterfall, presumably in an attempt to impress guests and solicit tips. “Absolutely disgusting!” I imagine a customer exclaiming before I
Seen here arguing with an invisible clerk that it’s old enough to buy White Claw, a bear inside the Douglas Depot location of Thibodeau’s Market in Juneau, Alaska attempts to greet a customer as he comes in, only to frighten him away. Honestly, I assumed anybody living in Juneau, Alaska
This is a Nest doorbell cam video from the Maryland home of Betsy Mahaffey See, who received a phone notification in the night that somebody was detected at the door. I like how the mantis nibbles on its foot a little bit before providing a closeup of its abdomen, that
Note: Sound on. This is a short video of a cat contributing to a girl’s piano practice in the only way it knows how: being a little jerk and walking across the keyboard before sitting its b-flat on some keys at the end to settle in for a nap. Cats,
This is a video from outside a farm in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, of a massive anaconda lunging at a passing truck. Honestly, if I were that anaconda I would be less concerned with attacking passing vehicles and more concerned with that getting that lump on my