This is a short video from the US Open of a man returning to his seat with cocktails and trying to hand one to his wife when a man in the row behind them beats him to the punch, depositing a drink in her hand before he can. I wonder
This is a video of Youtuber Flavor Lab discussing the ingredients in Red Bull, then attempting to create his own bathtub energy elixir. The drink is predominately flavored with the citrus oil he produces by soaking the peels of 4 oranges and 2 limes in sugar, but also includes some
This is a video from a Linlee Hand-Made Lemon Tea shop in China (I’m fairly certain — not Japan like the text on the video says) of a stuffed animal Pepe the Frog (used by protestors as a resistance symbol during the 2019 – 2020 Hong Kong protests, completely unrelated
This is a video from bar managers Markus and Chris of London’s Fallow Restaurant, who each wore a GoPro to show their drink-making during a busy Friday lunch service. Is that a martini? Wait — why’s everybody drinking at lunch on a Friday?! Are these people unemployed? Why can’t I
This is a clip of scientist Matty Jordan after having attempted to pour himself a colder than ice-cold Coke in the -57°C (-71°F) weather at Scott Base in Antarctica. Matty was inspired by a similar video (also posted below) of photographer Jeff Capps, who previously did the same thing with
This is a video of New Jersey soda devil Mike correctly identifying Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, and Diet Pepsi in a blind taste test. Impressive, but I could definitely do the same. I KNOW MY SODA. As a matter of fact, at any given moment my blood is
This is a video of dapper to death Youtuber TheReportOfTheWeek providing this week’s report in the form of an addictive 14-minute in-depth review of Coke’s new space-themed beverage, Coca-Cola Starlight. Mmmm, starlight — it makes life on earth possible, you know? I’m talking about the sun. It’s a star. I’m
Note: Potential jump-scare, make sure to be taking a sip of something while you watch. These are several short TikTok videos from user donnysmokes4 (and apparently drinks4 too) of a bag of wine violently exploding like somebody just called its mom a sour grape. That must have been fun to