This is a video of New Jersey soda devil Mike correctly identifying Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, and Diet Pepsi in a blind taste test. Impressive, but I could definitely do the same. I KNOW MY SODA. As a matter of fact, at any given moment my blood is probably 25% soda. “And the rest alcohol?” The body is an amazing machine, isn’t it? *trying to pee in trash can basketball hoop* Amazing that mine still works at all.
@livefrommyhouse how’d this kid do that 🙄 #cokevspepsi #cokevspepsichallenge ♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show
Note: Video HERE in case your browser is of the Dr. Pepper variety.
Thanks again to JustA, who agrees Coke is king.