This is a video highlighting the evolution of Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS humanoid robot over the past 40 years, including from before Boston Dynamics even existed and early legged robotic locomotion was being studied at MIT’s Leg Lab. It was actually pretty interesting to see the walking technology develop. Sometimes by
This is a video of super sassy Grandma Smith riding her giant motorized bed around town. The bed was actually built on top of a specially modified go-kart (the second half of the video details its construction), and is driven from below by her grandson, Ross Smith. In the video,
This is a video from Instagram user and rollerblader the_stuttering_skater providing a follow-cam for roller skater dev2me as he flies through a tunnel in reverse. Such control. For reference, I’m an incredible roller skater (I really am), but only going forwards. I’ve just never been able to master skating in
This is a Great Big Story interview with Australian voice actor Karen Jacobsen, jokingly known as “the only woman men will take directions from.” Since 2002, Karen has been the voice of over 1-billion GPS devices and smartphone apps. Ha, I knew I recognized her from somewhere! She lives in
Because everything is bigger people think differently in Texas, this is a video of a man cruising down the icy road in his airboat, clearly confident in his ability to stay in his lane. That’s impressive. Crazy, but impressive. Personally, I use snow days as an excuse to stay home,
Because dream it, and, provided you’re making enough Youtube money, you can achieve it, this is a video of The Q constructing and riding a bicycle with tires made out of 60 tennis balls. I bet dogs love chasing him! It looks like it rides surprisingly well (and never needs
This is a video of creator of things The Q (like in the Bond movies!) building and riding a bicycle that has two half tires in the rear that rotate perfectly opposite each other so there’s always tread on the ground. How about that! Apparently there was a lot of
This is a video of turtle owner Kenny James giving his turtle Sergio a little Hot Wheels car to sit on so he can zoom around the house at breakneck speeds. “Dammit, where was one of those little cars when I needed it?” I imagine Tortoise wondering after his race