Because delicious ideas are all around us (I melted a Snickers bar on toast for breakfast this morning), this is a video of knife sharpener Ryota Togishi creating a grilled cheese sandwich using ultra-thin slices of bread and seven pieces of cheese in a panini press. Togishi previously made what
This is some home security cam footage of a man leaving his house with a barbecue grill hanging onto his truck, just enough so that when he pulls away it sets the barbecue in motion, hitting the other vehicle in the driveway. Then, while he’s busy knocking the barbecue over
This is a video of a dog that smells a downstairs neighbor cooking chicken on the grill directly below its balcony. My God did that smell good. That was a G.I. Joe ‘Pork Chop Sandwiches’ reference, just so we’re clear. Dogs, am I right? Even bad dogs are still better
This is a short video of a man giving a tour of his homemade water wheel rotisserie (made from a bicycle wheel), filing cabinet gas oven (made from a filing cabinet), and propane tank smoker (made from a propane tank). Sure, why not? I actually have a friend who made
This is a short clip of English food writer and television cook Nigella Lawson putting way too much effort into the pronunciation of ‘microwave’ on her BBC Two show Cook, Eat, Repeat. She pronounces it like ‘meecrow-wahvey.’ That’s weird. That’s like people jokingly calling Target, Tarjay or JCPenny, Jacques Penne.
Seen here looking like he’s trying to punish his teeth, this is a worthwhile video of Joseph of Joseph’s Machines demonstrating his latest creation: a series of Rube Goldberg machines designed to construct and feed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The whole thing is so complex it’s hard
This is a video of a chef proving he knows his way around a knife by quickly turning an English cucumber into a slinky by precisely dicing two sides of it. Granted that doesn’t look like a slinky I’d want to play with down the stairs, but impressive nonetheless. For