This is one of the $1,900 tiny 9.9-millimeter (I lied in the title like a no-good son of a gun) Rubik’s Cubes going on sale in Japan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the toy being sold in the country. And, I think we can all agree, what a way
This is a video of Chennai, India based Rubik’s Cube trainer Illayaram Sekar aiming to inspire his students by setting a new world record for most Rubik’s Cubes solved underwater with a single breath with a total of six cubes in approximately two minutes and 18 seconds. For reference, the
To celebrate his 76th birthday, this is a video of Rubik’s Cube artist BigWendy creating a portrait of Erno Rubik while blindfolded, using those tactile Rubik’s Cubes. That’s nice, I bought him cupcakes. Well, I bought me cupcakes. Some more info: As a Happy Birthday, I dedicated my first blindfolded
This is the Rubik’s Tactile Cube, a Rubik’s Cube with sides that are identifiable both by their color and tactile pattern (currently on sale on Amazon for $11). Not only are they perfect for the vision impaired, they’re also great for anyone looking to increase the challenge of cube-solving by