Because sometimes sleep demands your attention (except when you really want it two hours past your bedtime), this is a video of a kid struggling and failing to stay awake while eating his *zooms and enhances* pasta nibbles. We’ve all been there. Except now, now I’m never there because when
This is a video from a man who was trying to give his recently spayed dog its prescribed sedative in a piece of hotdog when his other dog stole the wiener, unknowingly drugging itself in the process. The man called the vet to make sure the drug wasn’t going to
This is a timelapse video of a tarantula molting that’s at just the right speed for the spider to have that sort of terrifying jerky movement that gives you the heebie-jeebies and wait — is that an erection?! “It’s from earlier!” How much earlier? “When you blew in my ear.”