In news that shouldn’t surprise anybody who’s ever wondered how Pepsi has managed to hang on this long tasting like carbonated ass, Dr. Pepper has surpassed the soda as America’s distant second favorite in 12-ounce cans. Coca-Cola remains in first place with 19.2% of the market share, and Dr. Pepper,
First aired 31 years ago when I was still too short to reach the cookies on top of the refrigerator without using a stool and risking it all, this is a Pepsi commercial featuring a xenomorph alien to ride the hype of the release of Alien 3. In the ad,
This is a clip of scientist Matty Jordan after having attempted to pour himself a colder than ice-cold Coke in the -57°C (-71°F) weather at Scott Base in Antarctica. Matty was inspired by a similar video (also posted below) of photographer Jeff Capps, who previously did the same thing with
This is a news report about a bear in Earls Cove, British Columbia that, clearly inspired by Cocaine Bear, broke into a Jeep and proceeded to drink 69(!) out of the 72 sodas present there. I say drank but most likely it smashed the cans and licked up what it
This is a video of musician The Kiffness (previously) creating a live-looping remix of a man on a Spanish beach selling Coca-Cola. It’s a tasty tropical jam. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a Coke fan, but I am. I mean I always have been, but my parents
This is a video of New Jersey soda devil Mike correctly identifying Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, and Diet Pepsi in a blind taste test. Impressive, but I could definitely do the same. I KNOW MY SODA. As a matter of fact, at any given moment my blood is
This is a video of TikTok user Tucker Reynolds attempting to drink an entire bottle of Sprite without burping. He manages to get down to just one remaining sip before all that carbonation decides its tired of hanging out in his stomach and makes a break for freedom. That burp,
Because squirrels don’t act so erratic due to nut energy alone, this is a video of a tree rat getting its daily dose of caffeine via a Pepsi fountain drink dispenser. According to one of the guys you can hear in the video: “Dude, he does that every day.” Wow.