These are two videos of the world’s first successful frontside and backside 2160s (six full rotations) on a snowboard. The backside (rotating clockwise if you’re riding with your left foot forward) 2160 was accomplished by Japanese teen snowboarder Hiroto Ogiwara in 2023 (he was 16 at the time). The frontside
This is a short video of a man demonstrating his very impressive skills with a toy top. The way he just launches it right up between his eyes like that — that takes practice. I know because I’ll have to wear an eyepatch for a while now. You ever had
This is a phenakistiscope drawn by artist and musician Yohei Kisanuki featuring a bunch of stick figures climbing up a large set of steps. Or, when played counterclockwise, climbing down the same steps. Are you a climbing up or climbing down kind of person? I’m a sit and take a
Because bad ideas come in all shapes and sizes (including XL), this is a clip of the Nitro Circus’ latest Life Size Toy: an 8-foot replica of a Duncan butterfly yo-yo designed to have two people strapped to the sides of as it spins suspended from a crane. That looks
Do you spin your pen? I spin my pen. Usually while I’m watching myself on camera during online meetings I’m tuned out of. But enough about me being the model employee, this is a video from Wired of champion pen spinner Peter Davis breaking down the sport’s skills into 21
Because everyone’s tree is different (I think mine is just poison ivy), this is a video documenting Youtuber SeanHodgins’ construction of a spinning holographic Christmas tree. One that spins so fast he stands behind a blast shield while testing it. Still, I can’t help but want to bet somebody twenty
Ever wonder what it looked like inside a spinning CT scanner? Well wonder no more my curious friend (are you a cat?), because this is a video of exactly that. I always assumed it was just two wizards making a donut shape and pointing their wands at the patient, but
This is a video of a man riding in a homemade spinning chair of death that rotates via a direct connection to an axle being towed behind an ATV. It spins FAST. I guess there’s a reason they painted a skull on the back of the chair, because I’m pretty