The River Rock Doormat is a very real $90 product that exists for sale on Amazon (affiliate link, because I know you’re all going to buy one) and isn’t just a one-off made by a neighbor who considers themselves crafty and has access to a free Saturday afternoon and hot
These are a couple videos of Ryan Randomness riding the homemade railcar he built along lengths of abandoned tracks in California, Arizona, and other parts of the American southwest. Admittedly, it looks like a good time. But maybe that has something to do with my fantasies of being a cowboy.
This is a lovely video of virtuoso cellist Yo-Yo Ma performing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in the wilds of the Great Smokey Mountains, setting up right next to hiking path and babbling brook. So relaxing, isn’t it? The perfect escape from the hectic pace of life. Me? I have
This is a video from The Voyageurs Wolf Project of a few months-old wolf pups discovering a trail cam and launching their own Scooby Doo style investigation. I like the one that was trying to eat bugs at 0:30, I see a lot of myself in that pup. From what
Because who doesn’t want to be strapped to a tree with their pants around their ankles trying to poop when a bear attacks, the Krapp Strapp is a tool to help you poop with ease in the great outdoors. The strap attaches to a tree, with a back pad you
Because there’s nothing more invigorating than the wind in your hair, the smell of nature, and a tree smacking you in the face, this is a video of mountain biker Rémy Métailler tackling the Love Ya Man (LYM — how I end all text conversations with my bros) trail at
Because, despite the world burning, fall allegedly nears, here are a couple videos of the autumnal happy face planted by Hampton Lumber near mile marker 26 on Oregon State Route 18 while reforesting the area for future harvesting in 30-50 years. The face, which is made up of larch trees
This is a video of a duo of wild deer trying to duke it like two t-rexes over munching rights to the backyard treat supply left out for them by ranch owner Gay McMillan of Lake Somerville, Texas. Per Gay while I make a lap around the office challenging coworkers