This is a clip from the Discovery Channel’s ‘How It’s Made’ detailing how balloons are manufactured. So, if you were ever wondering how balloons are born, watch and be amazed. I imagine it’s relatively similar to how condoms are made, but with far less stringent quality control standards, which is
Because who can ever get enough visual asteroid size comparison videos, this is another from MetaBallStudio featuring a bunch of different sized asteroids, some real, some fictional, but all pale in comparison to the size of Uranus. Literally — the largest asteroid in the video is the fictional Texas-sized one
This is a video from Playboy of bartenders discussing the worst songs to hear on the jukebox at a bar. Almost all agree that Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believin” and Chumbawamba’s ‘Tubthumping’ are the absolute worst, with others making the list being anything from the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Boston, and Creedence
In news that’s sure to set the paleontological world ablaze (like an asteroid!), an incredibly well preserved Psittacosaurus specimen was discovered in China, complete with cloacal vent — a hole shared by all the animal’s mechanisms responsible “for pooping, peeing, breeding and egg laying.” Kind of like if a mammal’s
This is a graphic created by Carrie Patrick comparing the weights of various swords to common household objects like cans of chili, loaves of bread, boots, and children. Children thankfully not being that common a household object in my home aside, I learned a lot by looking at the chart.
This is a video of an upstairs bathroom that’s been sealed being quickly filled with water via a fire hose until it decides it just can’t take it anymore and collapses into the living room below. I’m not sure what, if anything, we were supposed to learn from this experiment
In I’m pretty sure I remember a Mythbusters episode about this news, this is a video of The Action Lab half-heartedly experimenting to see if a swimmer (read: wind-up turtle toy) can swim just as fast in syrup as in water. The idea is that although syrup is more viscous,
In sweet jeans news, this is a video of Yotuber Mad Russian Scientist demonstrating the fastest way to empty a narrow-necked liquid filled container without cutting in half with a ninja sword or smashing it with a hammer — by swirling the bottle first to create a vortex inside. This