This is a video from Istanbul, Turkey of ice cream vendor Zekeriya demonstrating his skill at frustrating patrons by repeatedly tricking a man who came for ice cream from receiving said ice cream. In the man’s own words, who, yes, did hold a GoPro in his mouth for this video
This is a short video of a baby girl who appears to find herself unable to differentiate her mother (left, in the burgundy) from her mother’s twin sister. Or, who knows, maybe she’s just focusing on pooping. Man, not being able to tell your mom from someone else — that
This is a vintage video from the 2007 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (which appears to have been played outdoors during a hurricane), where Isaac Haxton manages to bluff his way to a win against Ryan Daut’s shitty hand with a somehow even shittier hand. He then decides to show his garbage
This is a short video of Youtuber and musician AcousticTrench covering ‘Mad About Me’ (aka the Cantina Song) by Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes (aka the Cantina band) from Star Wars, with his dog Maple appearing to play the bass drum. While she isn’t actually playing the drum, I
This is a short video of a man demonstrating a trick he learned online to get his shihtzu Nitro, who’s a firm believer he deserves people food, to eat his regular brown and crunchy. Basically, dude briefly puts the food bowl in the fridge while making a bunch of noise