Seen here looking like something a child would produce if you asked them to draw a nightmare, this is a video of a rarely seen humpback anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii) spotted in shallow waters off Spain’s Canary Islands. The fish typically lives some 1,500m (~1 mile) deep in the pitch-blackness, but
This is a video documenting Red Bull skydiver Max Manow’s quest to wingsuit into the Grand Canyon, grab hold of a tow bar below a plane, and be lifted back up into the sky for another skydive without ever having to land. Think of it as aerial refueling, but for
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this horror movie and it gave me nightmares. This is a clip of artist and metalworker Ulysses (Oolie) Secrest sitting in the shower wearing a mask he made and setting it on fire. He says the metal frame of the mask took about 10 hours
Developed by Shinichi Furuya and associates at the Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Tokyo, this exoskeletal hand was originally designed to help train the muscles of those with limited use of their digits. Well now they’ve discovered it can also help take accomplished pianists to the next level. Heck yeah,
This is a video of pet octopus Marty (who I believe is an Octopus bimaculatus, aka Verrill’s two-spot octopus) opening a closed jar just moments after being exposed to one for the first time. That’s impressive. How we knew to turn it is beyond me, and certainly beyond my roommate,
This is a video from Youtuber and obviously fun guy BionicandtheWires, who hooked up some sensors to a growing oyster mushroom colony to detect fluctuations in electrical activity, which are converted to signals that activate the mushroom’s solenoid-powered bionic arms and play a keyboard. It sounds just as trippy as
This is the music video for OK Go’s ‘A Stone Only Rolls Downhill’, filmed on 64 separate iPhones and then laid out in a matrix and replayed for a trippy effect. I can’t even imagine the time and effort that went into making the video, but there’s no doubt it
To promote the release of Severance’s second season (I was almost certain the world would end first), this is a video of Lumon employees Mark Scout (Adam Scott), Helly Rigs (Britt Lower) and Dylan George (Zach Cherry) working from a replica of their office cubicles set up in New York