Visualization Comparing The Fastest Manmade Vehicles And Objects

This is a visualization created by Red Side comparing the speed of the fastest manmade vehicles and other objects in different categories (e.g. fastest motorcycle, fastest jet aircraft, fastest space probe). It provides both 1st and 3rd person views, and begins with the fastest vehicles ever driven on Mars, the Mars Rovers, which top out at 0.18km/h (0.11MPH) and only make snails jealous. It ends with the fastest object humans have ever built, the Parker Solar Probe, which travels at 635,000km/h (395,000MPH), a speed quick enough to travel the circumference of Earth in less than 4 minutes. Damn! It took me 15 minutes just to get to the dentist this morning, and it’s so close I could practically hit it with a rock. And might after how ruthless the dentist was with my teeth.