An Impressive Rendition Of ‘The Flight of The Bumblebee’ Performed On Theremin

An Impressive Rendition Of 'The Flight of The Bumblebee' Performed On Theremin

This is a video of thereminist Carolina Eyck performing a very spirited rendition of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight Of The Bumblebee’ on her instrument. The electronic sound of the theremin actually works surprisingly well with the piece, and I closed my eyes and could almost see the bumblebee flying. Then opened my eyes and OH SHIT, THAT’S A HORNET. Fun fact: I actually found a hornet in my bedroom yesterday (I have crappy windows that don’t close all the way) and managed to catch it in a trash bag and release it back outside. I thought the whole thing pretty heroic, but there was no hero’s kiss or lap dance afterwards, so clearly my girlfriend felt otherwise. “It was barely moving.” That thing could have My Girl‘d me!

Ultra-Realistic Robotic Dolphin Developed To Replace The Real Ones In Captivity

Ultra-Realistic Robotic Dolphin Developed To Replace The Real Ones In Captivity

An ultra-realistic robotic dolphin developed by Edge Innovations (who developed the animatronics for Free Willy, Anaconda, and The Abyss) aims to replace some of the 3,000 actual dolphins in captivity at marine parks and dolphin experiences. Some more info while I’m sad about my captive dolphin friends, but also a little angry their wild counterparts refuse to lead me to Atlantis:

Resembling a bottlenose dolphin, the 550-pound machine is deigned with skin made from medical-grade silicone and a battery that allows for up to 10-hours of [remote controlled] swimming.
The team hopes the robotic marine mammal will one day jump through hoops and perform acrobatics at theme parks – but the starting cost for one is $3 million to $5 million.
Roger Holzberg, creative director for Edge’s animatronic program, said: ‘The idea of this pilot is really to create a kind of ‘Sesame Street’ under water,’
‘Those characters taught a generation how to feel about different kinds of aspects of humankind in ways that had never been imagined before. And that’s what we dream of with this project.

Lofty goals. Will it work? I…don’t have a lot of faith in humanity as far as animal well-being is involved. But what do I know? I’ve been proven wrong before. Granted nothing that ever had to do with my faith in humanity, but crazier things have happened. Well, really just the Big Bang. A crazier thing has happened.

3,051 Unmanned Deathcopters: The World’s Largest Drone Light Show

3,051 Unmanned Deathcopters: The World's Largest Drone Light Show

This is a video of the Guinness World Record holder for largest drone light show, with 3,051 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) participating in the high-flying performance. The record was achieved by the Shenzhen Damoda Intelligent Control Technology Company in Zhuhai, China. Is, uh, is anybody else concerned this company has over 3,000 drones at their disposal? And is it just a coincidence the acronym of their name, SDICTC, has the same number of letters and starts with an S just like Skynet?! Connect the dots, people! I’m serious *slipping connect-the-dot page on table* go ahead, connect them. “Wait — is this…a penis?” Haha, an adult connect-the-dots book managed to slip through the cracks at the thrift store! Best fifty cents I’ve ever spent, hands down.

Hormel Giving Away Bacon-Scented Face Masks

Hormel Giving Away Bacon-Scented Face Masks

Because what kind of company are you if you can’t use a pandemic to promote your product, Hormel is giving away Black Label Bacon scented face masks. You can enter the contest HERE if you want to receive weekly email reminders to eat Hormel food products despite thinking you opted out of them. To Hormel’s credit though, they are donating a meal to Feeding America for every entry up to 10,000 (which I assume they’ve already reached). Will the mask’s bacony scent stand up to routine washing? I have no clue. Still, it probably is the face mask most likely to be worn over a person’s nose instead of under it. It is also the face mask most likely to be found being extruded from a dog’s anus. *shaking head* Dammit, Ellie!

Keep going for a video.

Guy Builds LEGO Assembly Line That Adds All The Ingredients To A Pizza

Guy Builds LEGO Assembly Line That Adds All The Ingredients To A Pizza

This is a video released by LEGO and pizza lover The Brick Wall to celebrate five years on Youtube by presenting his latest creation: a LEGO assembly line capable of putting uniform amounts of sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and peppers (or any other small ingredient) on an uncooked pizza. Unfortunately it does not do any cooking, so unless you like your pizza raw, you’ll also need an oven (it can also cut the pizza after it’s cooked). Me? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten a Red Baron or Tombstone pizza straight from the freezer. It is high enough to be ashamed though, which is why I’m not giving a number. Alternatively, just leave your pizza’s construction to a real Italian pizza professional. “You’re talking about yourself? The guy who just admitted to eating frozen pizzas.” Waffles too. But yes, I’m Italian. *twists ends of authentic Italian mustache, immediately starts kneading dough without washing hands, tosses straight into ceiling fan* Half Italian.

Testing The World’s First 4000-Degree Retractable Blade Plasma Lightsaber

Testing The World's First 4000-Degree Retractable Blade Plasma Lightsaber

This is a video of the folks at Youtube channel The Hackensmith testing the world’s first retractable plasma lightsaber, the construction of which they featured in a build video last week (included below). The lightsaber burns at around 4,000-degrees Fahrenheit (2,200-Celsius), is powered by a mix of liquid propane and oxygen, and you can absolutely forget about me putting my hand in front of it for anything less than ten dollars.

Keep going for the testing video, followed by the build.