This is a video of a sweatered, pleasantly smiling gentleman displaying his skills with a metal bo staff. He starts off super slow to demonstrate the hand movements he makes to control the staff before going buck wild and spinning that thing like a pinwheel in a tornado. Honestly, that
This is a video of two elderly gentlemen proving they’ve still got it (and never didn’t have it) by demonstrating their skills with a Chinese jianzi (think a cross between a hacky sack and badminton shuttlecock), keeping it off the ground with ease using their feet, heads, and, at one
This is a video of dancer Hittesh Patel demonstrating his skills with a couple very impressive tutting performances (tutting references King Tut, because the angular hand movements resemble the poses seen in ancient Egyptian stone reliefs). Now that is some serious coordination. I can’t even walk and chew gum. Pat
This is a video from filmmaker Tyler Johnson, who modded a cat exercise wheel with an Insta360 camera to capture some unorthodox footage of his cat exercising. Not exactly what I was hoping for from Santa, but I suppose it’s better than coal or taking turns with the reindeer pooping
This is a clip of Cornish Rex cats Arya and Keiko playing a game of leapfrog with each other on a giant exercise wheel. Hey, whatever keeps them active and burns those calories. “I burn calories eating.” Garfield! “What?” Put down the lasagna, Jon has let this go on long
This is a video from runner and filmmaker Duncan McCabe, who ran precise patterns around Toronto and tracked his routes with the Strava fitness app to create a flipbook style animation from the 121 runs, totaling 1,105km (687 miles) of drawing. That’s impressive. Strava must be pretty accurate to be
This is a clip of Brazilian MMA fighter Rafael Alves skillfully dodging a flurry of five punches from his opponent, smoothly bobbing and weaving his way out of his face getting smashed. Not seen in the video: Rafael depleting his bullet time meter and eventually losing the match. I would
In the Olympic spirit, this is a short video of acrobatic gymnast Sienna performing a series of back handsprings while maintaining the same spot on a mat. Is that hard? I imagine so. For me, impossible — I threw my back out just bending over to put on socks this