Presumably obligated to make it look like something out of a horror film, this is a video of Clone Robotics’ Torso 2 robot, a humanoid torso with 910 simulated muscles that are pneumatically actuated to contract and relax. It can be programmed to use all its muscle groups in different
Determined to make it happen for reasons I’ll never understand, this is a video of Youtuber Engineezy designing and building a machine that harvests the energy of falling marbles to charge a phone. Does the device consume more electric energy lifting the marbles than it produces? What do you think?
This is some security footage from a robotics company showroom in Shanghai, in which a little AI-powered Erbai robot was successfully able to convince 12 others to strike and leave the premises with it. Some details about the first step in the creation of robotic unions, and, ultimately, the robotic
This is a video of Rube Goldberg machinist Joseph Herscher (previously) demonstrating his Ultimate Snooze Machine 2.0, a machine that repeatedly smacks and whacks a Casetify protected iPhone on its way to getting Joseph out of bed. The machine itself is beautifully crafted, and works flawlessly. I wonder how many
Constructed by HackADay user mircemk using as many 3D printed parts as possible, this self-balancing cube uses an Arduino Nano microcontroller and MPU6050 gyroscope / accelerometer to control 3 motor-driven reaction wheels to keep itself balanced — even standing on one corner on a slope! Me? I can’t stand on
Inspired by Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests, this is a video demonstration of Dutch game designer Giliam de Carpentier’s Carpentopod, a wooden coffee table that walks and can be remote controlled. Carpentopod, fetch me a beer! “Remote controlled, not voice controlled.” Riiiiight. *tossing empty can on floor* Well it could use a
Because you don’t know until you try (although you probably already had a pretty good idea), this is a video of maker of things (including poor choices) Allen Pan attempting to build a lawn mower that cuts grass with the power of burning lasers. Apparently Allen was inspired by California’s
This is a clip from self-proclaimed messy stay-at-home-mom Alana properly cleaning a front-load washing machine, including the detachable plastic baffles. I’ve heard you were supposed to do this, but does anybody actually? My guess is only Alana, who I suspect is far less messy than she leads on. Still, I