Wait a minute...are you cheating?
Engineer Makes Pool Cue That Automatically Makes Shots For Easy Pool Sharking

This is a video of very smart engineer Shane Wighton of Youtube channel Stuff Made Here (previously: the robotic barber he made to cut his hair with actual scissors — okay maybe he’s not that smart) constructing a robotic pool cue system capable of making shots for you, all you have to do is hold the stick in place. That’s cool, and I really wish I’d had one of these before betting my entire paycheck on a game. “Do you even play pool?” Well, to my credit when my opponent said pool game– “You thought he meant Marco Polo or sharks and minnows.” I’m a great swimmer!

Keep going for the video, which is a whole of of smart talking and building before the demonstration of the system at the very end.

Thanks to my dad, who agrees physics is everything.