This is a video of natefromtheinternet popping a balloon full of Heinz ketchup to demonstrate its unique properties. Namely, that it’s a non-Newtonian fluid (a fluid whose viscosity changes depending on the amount of force or pressure applied to it), and, unlike cornstarch and water which becomes almost solid under pressure, ketchup becomes LESS viscous, splashing like water when it hits the ground. So yeah, this is a demonstration of that. Also demonstrated here: wastefulness. You know you could have told me before you used all the ketchup. I’m eating my fries dry, Nate! DRY!
@natefromtheinternet What else should we try? #natefromtheinternet #nfti #science #diy #fyp #experiment #balloon #ketchup #slowmo #slowmotion ♬ original sound – natefromtheinternet