This is a video of pals Liam and Alex attempting a speedrun from Fight Club to Marmaduke in Apple TV using only movie suggestions based on the movie they’re currently viewing. It’s like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but they make it look way more exciting. In the video, they successfully move from Fight Club to Forrest Gump to In Bruges to The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou to Fantastic Mr. Fox to Puss In Boots and finally to Marmaduke in 39.20 seconds. Is that a good time? It definitely looks like a good time! But is that a respectable finish time? I’ll let you know tonight after I explain my new hobby to my girlfriend.
Video below, more speedruns based on viewer suggestions on Liam’s TikTok HERE.
@liamfarrey let us kniw what we should do next😝🤟