Want to be the best at something? Do something nobody else does. This is the successful Guinness World Record attempt by Chang Yu-Te to blow the most small soap bubbles inside a larger soap bubble, with a very respectable 783. Personally I only counted 46, but I’ve also never been
Trying hard and believing in yourself: some people still do it. Me? I abandoned that mantra months ago. ‘What a load of crock’ I told myself after scratching my eleventh losing $20 scratcher in a row while trying hard and believing in myself at max levels. This is a video
Dream it, and you can achieve it. Case in point, Chinese street performer Lan Guangping, who in this video jumps on four raw eggs without them breaking. Well, he breaks one the first time he tries, but the second time he succeeds, although he breaks an egg on the dismount.
This is a video of three athletes jumping through the same horizontal hula hoop in one fluid movement as the first jumper throws the hoop behind him. Although based on how hard they celebrate afterwards, I wonder just how many tries this took to get right. My guess is in
Because some people believe the old adage of not playing with your food only applies to solids, this is a video of glass artist Mattes Kuche giving a nudge to a wine glass he made with such a thin stem that the whole bowl of the glass actually wobbles back
Note: Obviously this isn’t the whole stack, keep going for a full photo, complete with tiny plastic chair on top. Dare to dream, folks, dare to dream. This is a shot of the aftermath of Jenga stacker Madlad trying hard and believing in himself at such max levels he was
This is a photo of a single atom as captured by scientist David Nadlinger. The photo, which David very cleverly titled ‘Atom In An Ion Trap’, features a strontium atom (with 38 protons and a diameter of a few millionths of a millimeter) visible in the very center of the
Florida Man: if he’s one thing, it’s resourceful. If he’s two things, it’s resourceful, and dead at any moment. This is a shot of Florida Man hauling a pickup truck’s worth of fencing and metal pipes in, on, and around his Ford Mustang. I particularly like the blue power strip