This is a video from a Texas homeowner of golf ball sized hail repeatedly breaking the window in their dining area. Should have gone with a double pane! The residents say the hail was blowing in sideways, but I’m fairly certain it was actually bouncing off the ground into the
This is a video of Youtuber Homemade Modern detailing the process in which he made an epoxy table filled with pieces of broken glass bottles. That’s neat. The result wasn’t as clear as I would have liked though, so he can expect a moderate to low-star Etsy review. Want to
This is a video of a liquor store employee checking a box of bottles when those bottles realizes this is their chance at freedom and all leap to the floor, spilling their guts everywhere in the process. I like how he half-heartedly tries and fails to catch even a single
Because there’s a market for absolutely everything (no matter how small), this is a borosilicate Pyrex glass wine decanter in the form of a motorcycle. Handblown in Hungary, the $150 vinocycle measures 14-inches long and holds 500mL of wine, or 2/3rds of a standard bottle. Come on, it doesn’t even
This is a short video of a marten (a small carnivorous mammal in the weasel family) who’s made quite the mess in a Germany grocery store while looking for an exit. Or, who knows, maybe he just came in to break a bunch of shit and run out but forgot
This is a video from Front Street West and Spadina Avenue in Toronto of a high-rise construction job gone wrong when a large window pane being hoisted by a crane begins swinging and spinning in the wind, eventually striking the building and raining shattered glass onto the street below. Apparently
Dream it, and you can achieve it. Case in point: this man’s impressive three martini glass and a stick-in-his-mouth juggling routine. Who comes up with this stuff? You think he’d been drinking when he did? Do you think those cocktail glasses are actually glass, or heavy plastic? Why is it
This is a video of a Kentucky man bidding an unfond farwell to his wife’s car on its way to the scrap yard and being unceremoniously denied the satisfaction of a shattered window. You know, we should do this to my neighbor’s car this weekend while he’s at the beach.