Because there’s a market for absolutely everything (no matter how small), this is a borosilicate Pyrex glass wine decanter in the form of a motorcycle. Handblown in Hungary, the $150 vinocycle measures 14-inches long and holds 500mL of wine, or 2/3rds of a standard bottle. Come on, it doesn’t even hold a whole bottle? Also, it looks like a real hassle to get all the wine out of. And if there’s one thing you don’t want when you’re drinking, it’s a hassle. Now I’m not sure how many people out there are looking at this decantercycle and thinking to themselves they must have it, but I want every one of them to invite me over so I can see what the interior of their homes look like. My guess is a cross between gaudy Italian and a circus that exploded. Trust me, I know the type. Because I am the type. IT’S NOT A BONG, MA, IT’S FOR WINE.