Note: Check your volume, or possible mute, I just got enough “LET’S GO KASEN!” in my ears to last two lifetimes, even for an undead warlock. This is a video of young Kasen absolutely flying through a children’s USA Ninja obstacle course, ripping through each section without a single mistake
Because doing things the hard way is the story of my life, this is a video of appropriately named Ninja Cat climbing a flight of open stairs from underneath. Apparently Ninja Cat does this all the time, but this was the first time his caretakers were able to document it
This is a short home security cam clip of a boy trying to rush inside and lock his younger brother out of the house (classic older brother!) when the young ninja tosses his jacket into the door before it closes, preventing it from being locked. Based on his finely honed
This is a video of a young martial artist demonstrating a very impressive, and very fast bo staff routine. I hate to admit it, but this puts even my own curtain rod swinging to shame. I mean he didn’t even break a single window or picture frame. How do you
This is a video of a man presumably trying out for the Ninja Turtles with a very impressive and lightning-speed bo staff routine, including some incredible spinning and catching. When reached for comment about his skills, Leonardo admitted he would probably be an asset in the fight against Shredder and
This is a video of a blindfolded fruit ninja slicing an apple, allegedly locating the fruit based on the sound it makes when it bounces in front of him. So maybe he was bitten by a radioactive bat? I don’t know how superpowers works. Because if I did, trust me,
This is a video of former NASA engineer and current American Squirrel Ninja Warrior course engineer Mark Rober discussing and letting squirrels have a go at his spy/heist movie inspired obstacle course and maze. As usual, Mark did an incredible job with the build, but the squirrels did an even
This is a video of chemical engineer James Orgill of The Action Lab creating what is allegedly the world’s darkest clothing, using IR flock sheet (a sort of velvety fabric specifically designed to absorb infrared light, available here for around $40/roll). I’m sure it’s fairly obvious, but these are not