Because some people’s tolerance for creating uncomfortable situations knows no bounds, this is a video of Skyrim fan and TikTok user skooma_sippa speaking to strangers at the Jersey Shore entirely with quotes from NPCs in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Even I felt uncomfortable, and I’m just watching the video
This is a video from a family at Costco where the wife tries to prank the husband by handing him her camera then pretending she doesn’t know him and asking him to stop filming her, and the husband quickly turning the tables. She gets embarrassed and turns red INSTANTLY. Clearly,
This is a delightful little compilation of people getting tricked by a haunted doll prank in which somebody manipulates a doll or stuffed animal with fishing line, much to the horror of their prankee. That lady who fell out of her chair and smashed a table and performed the sign
Because wasps are the absolute worst, this is a video of one playing ding dong ditch with a video doorbell, ringing the bell then immediately flying away. What a jerk! Knowing wasps, it probably toilet papered their house that very same night. Still, of all the things in the world
This is a delightful video of two twins pranking their father. The one twin who he hasn’t seen in 18 months switches clothes with the other brother, and pretends to be him as he greets their father at his home. It was a real treat to watch. Such unbridled joy.
This is some doorbell cam footage of a bird coming to the door, pecking around for a bit, then ringing the bell and flying off once it sounds. Then the owner comes out looking all confused because there isn’t anobody, or any packages, there. Without the doorbell cam footage to
This is a video of Instagram user its.PilotJohn performing a nosedive to allegedly wake up his female passenger with a little weightlessness. It’s true, I’ve found nothing wakes you up in a hurry quite like thinking you’re about to die. Was she actually asleep though? That’s debatable. A debate you
Because everybody needs a hobby, Philadelphia-based Instagrammer Sp Wîz built a radio controlled 4-wheeler with a Chucky doll on top and takes it out driving in traffic to startle people. That’s cool. At least until somebody runs it over. Then it’s broken. Broken things can still be cool though. Take