Haha! Know what it is? I bet you do, you’re a smart cookie. Not the best tasting, but smart. You know, I actually bought two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies yesterday: one box of Somoas (aka Caramel deLites), and one box of the new Adventurfuls (delicious), and now I have
Filed under oldies but goodies, this is a video from the funeral of Irishman Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Noonan (NNN), where Nicky had a recording played from the casket that makes it appear as if he’s not dead, but just trapped in the casket. Good times. It’s nice to know he left
This is a short TikTok video from theteetfamily (nice, I’m a teet guy myself) of the wife pranking the husband with her new talon toenail pedicure. I like how he’s so confused he starts holding his nose. That’s when you know your brain is broken. Or maybe her feet stink.
The internet: it never stops turning. Even in the middle of the night when it should have gone to bed hours ago and can only produce terrible ideas. Enter the Rickroll video that never starts — just ten minutes of the intro on repeat. It’s maddening. But, if you can
This is a video of the blindfolded dodge a swinging water balloon on a string TikTok challenge but with a twist. In this case, never actually releasing the balloon to swing and watching the guy in the hot seat think he’s doing a fantastic job dodging it (“I told you
This is a video from Loudonville, Ohio of a man in a ghillie suit scaring a woman in a canoe as she drifts by looking at her phone because nature is boring. Some more info from somebody who’s in on the prank: “The swamp monster/sasquatch (known as Krazy Kurt) hides
Note: Volume, screaming, watch to the end. This is a video of a woman who tied some fishing line around a rope dog bone to act as a surrogate snake, then telling her husband there’s a snake behind the toilet, yanking the fake snake past his feet when he opens
This is a video of two parents trying to embarrass their daughter while picking her up from school by playing some loud-ass Riverdance on the car stereo. The daughter isn’t embarrassed though and just stepdances right along to the music. Also, who were these parents trying to embarrass her in