This is a short video demonstration of a kitchen drawer that was modified so it can open past a protruding window via its front panel sliding horizontally. As far as clever fixes go, this is a pretty good one, because I would have either 1) not put the front panel
Because nature is often an afterthought in humanity’s race towards progress, this is a video from the recently constructed (2018) Parleys Canyon Wildlife Overpass above Interstate 80 in Utah that allows animals to safely cross six lanes of traffic without getting flattened. The overpass, which is 320-feet long and 50-feet
Because Florida Man does occasionally leave the country, a man in Ontario, Canada was recently pulled over by police because “something seemed off about the vehicle’s driver’s seat,” and officers discovered the driver had replaced the new model Ford Escape’s original seat with a folding lawn chair. Why? I’m not
This is a two-year old’s novel solution to the trolley problem. For those of you unaware of the trolley problem, it’s an ethical thought experiment that involves a runaway trolley headed towards a group of five people. If you do nothing it will run them all over and kill them.
Because things stopped making sense way back at the beginning of the year, this is a video of a group of eaters cutting a cake with their wine goblets. I have never seen that before. And I better never see it in real life or I will throw a hissy
Because foresight is in short supply these days, this is a video from a man who bought a sectional sofa that was so large even the smallest piece wouldn’t fit into his basement through the house, so he removed an entire double window frame to get it in from the
This is a video of a joey at the Nashville Zoo that was kicked out of its mom’s pouch and orphaned because 2020 has no limits in its cruelty, learning how to hop thanks to a surrogate human mother in a kangaroo onesie. So, uh, how does a person get
Purveyor of solid standard hot sauces Cholula (I’m particularly fond of Original and Chili Lime) has teamed up with maker of kitchen and bath tools simplehuman to bring us this Touch-Free Hot Sauce Dispenser. Dropping at noon on December 1st for $130 (with free shipping and 64-ounce starter bottle of