These are several videos from the Slow Mo Guys shot at a blistering 90,000 frames per second, then played back at 25 FPS, stretching every one second of action into an hour. Highlights include Dan getting smacked in the face with a soccer ball, a bullet tearing a playing card
This is a video of the Slow-Mo Guys filling up two Stretch Armstrong dolls with water from a garden hose until they explode. They do one just laying in the grass, and another while Dan lovingly embracing the doll. Haha — not so tough now, are you, Mr. Armstrong?! God,
This is a video of Slow Mo Guys Gav and Dan shooting a Newton’s Cradle desktop physics toy and filming the action in ultra slow motion. The resulting footage may surprise you, especially if you expected to see anything but a Newton’s Cradle getting shot in ultra-slow motion. No bikini
This is a video from Youtuber Ant Lab (but these are moths!) of seven different species of moth taking flight filmed in 6,000FPS ultra slow motion. Glorious, aren’t they? The species in order in case you’re not a lepidopterist and know already: 00:00 – Rosy maple moth, 01:01 – Polyphemus
This is a video of the world’s most decorated gymnast Simone Biles performing a floor exercise tumbling pass in ultra slow motion. Well, it was filmed in ultra slow motion, she isn’t actually performing it in slow motion. That would require breaking the laws of physics and not just bending
Presumably in order to prove the existence of fire fairies, this is a video from Youtube channel Another Perspective (previously) of a lighter igniting at an incredible 20,000 frames/second. You know, it’s crazy to think one minute you’re confident you’ve finally overcome your pyromania, and the next you’re watching an
This is a video of Youtuber Ant Lab’s quest to capture different insects taking flight in 3,200 frames/second ultra-slow motion. Featured in the video are eleven different species of insects spanning five different taxonomic orders. Timestamps while I eat the Totino’s Pizza Rolls I didn’t finish last night for breakfast
An apple a day, am I right? “What about them?” Great with peanut butter or cheese, much harder to eat plain. This is a video of Slow Mo Guy Gavin spinning an apple in a jet of compressed air until it explodes, filmed at 28,500 frames/second so he can actually