In what the hell is wrong with you news, this is a video of competitive eater L.A. Beast setting a new Guinness World Record for further distance walked barefoot on LEGO bricks, with an incredibly painful 3,886.20-meters (12,750-feet, ~2.4148-miles, beating the previous record set by barefoot marathon runner Sonny Molina
This is ‘Taking A Risk: Stunning Stunts’, a 15-minute compilation of people doing things that can only be described as “things you probably shouldn’t.” Stuff like parachute skiing, jumping off a cruise ship, some real white-knuckle parkour building jumping, slack-lining, cliff jumping, wingsuit flying, and more. But they all have
Bad decisions: they come in all shapes in sizes. And in this case, they come in the shape and size of a two-door Honda Accord with a rooftop packed with stuff bigger than the car itself. Is that a whole one-bedroom apartment? Two seconds into the video I was already
This is a video of a poor decision maker diving off a boat to get a better look at what he believes to be a harmless, plankton-eating basking shark. It turns out to not be a basking shark. Can anybody identify what kind of shark that is? IS IT A
This is a video of The Detail Geek cleaning and detailing what he believes to be the new nastiest vehicle he’s ever been contracted to clean, a 2018 Kia Sedona that looks like a McDonald’s exploded inside of it. The detailing took a total of 18 hours, which is significantly
This is a video news report about a 26-year old man who was recently arrested after driving through a warning gate and jumping the actively opening Fort Street drawbridge in Detroit, Michigan while high on whippets. The jump was a success although he allegedly blew out all four tires (except
In other, much more poor decision making related bear news, this is a video of a group of idiots in Maryland casually hanging out with a black bear at a picnic table, with one dude eventually making and feeding the bear a peanut butter sandwich. According to the woman filming,
This is a video of some lunatic taking a trip through a natural siphon created in the rocks of a river. Who was the first person to try this? How did they know they would fit? Honestly, I half expected this guy to never reappear, just push the dead body