Because keeping your penguins enriched with playful activities is the key to their happiness (trust me, I’m a penguin whisperer), this is a video of a waddle (the name of a group of penguins on land, in the water they’re a raft) of Humboldt penguins at the Oregon Zoo having
This is a video of an orangutan at an Indonesian zoo trying on a pair of sunglasses that a woman accidentally dropped into its enclosure. It looks good! Like a Disney character. After a very abbreviated fashion week, the orangutan tries to throw the glasses back to the crowd, although
A friend in need is a friend indeed: it took me forever to understand what that actually means. It means a friend to you when you’re in need is a true friend. I’m not very bright. This is a video from a zoo of a giraffe removing a branch stuck
This is a video from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston where recent mother Kiki the gorilla reacts to recent human mother Emmelina and her newborn. Emmelina has her five-week old son Canyon with her, and Kiki her newborn son Pablo. Kiki repeatedly tries to caress the human baby’s head
This is a video of a joey at the Nashville Zoo that was kicked out of its mom’s pouch and orphaned because 2020 has no limits in its cruelty, learning how to hop thanks to a surrogate human mother in a kangaroo onesie. So, uh, how does a person get
In other bird news, this is a video of penguins at the Newquay Zoo in Cornwall, England chasing bubbles blown from a bubble machine that was donated by someone. First of all, who donates a bubble machine? That’s something you keep until you die and then are buried with. Secondly,