Damn: Doorbell Cam Captures Arizona UPS Driver Collapsing From Heat Exhaustion

Damn: Doorbell Cam Captures Arizona UPS Driver Collapsing From Heat Exhaustion

This is an NBC News report featuring some Ring doorbell cam footage of an Arizona UPS driver briefly collapsing on a home’s front porch while delivering a package in 110-degree heat. Note to self: do not work outside in Arizona. Seriously though — be safe out there, drivers, and stay hydrated. I would hate for this to turn into a Death Star plans situation where many Bothans have to die to bring people shit they ordered on Amazon drunk and already forgot about.

Surprise!: Giant Waves Wreck Hawaiian Wedding Reception

Surprise!: Giant Waves Wreck Hawaiian Wedding Reception

Clearly running late and unable to make it to the ceremony but still wanting to make it clear he objects to the marriage, this is a video of Poseidon wrecking a Hawaiian wedding reception with a couple massive waves. Damn, if only he’d sent a couple hungry sharks over the wall along with them.

Resident Evil Licker Escapes Cell On Forced Perspective Video Billboard

Resident Evil Licker Escapes Cell On Forced Perspective Video Billboard

This is a video of a forced perspective billboard in Times Square where a licker escapes its glass cell as a promo for the upcoming Resident Evil series on Netflix. Obviously it’s pretty cool, but it only really works from this one particular angle. From any other angle it will not look nearly as cool. Kinda like me in photographs — I’m still trying to find my good side. “Keep looking.” Honey! Then why are you even with me?! “Your life insurance policy.” IT’S ALL GOING TO THE DOGS.

Hands-Free PVC Umbrella Hood

Hands-Free PVC Umbrella Hood

Because having to use your hands sucks (I’m dictating this), Youtuber The Q developed a hands-free umbrella hood made out of PVC. That’s cool, plus you look like an armadillo — and you know what I think about armadillos. “They’re like rolly pollies with tits.” Exactly.

Man Builds Mini LEGO-Powered Submarine With Automatic Depth Control

Man Builds Mini LEGO-Powered Submarine With Automatic Depth Control

This is a video from the Brick Experiment Channel on Youtube of the construction and testing of an incredibly impressive mini LEGO-powered submarine, complete with automatic depth control (and minifig captain). The tiny submersible is capable of maintaining a constant depth OR distance from the bottom using its onboard pressure sensor and laser distance sensor. After testing the sub in a pool first, it’s then taken on a tour of a river, with accompanying onboard camera footage. You know, I would have loved one of these as a kid. And not just to find out if the local pool really did have sharks they let out at night or if that was just a myth to discourage us from breaking in to swim, but I have my suspicions.

Thanks again to my dad, who just built me a system to automatically adjust the exhaust fan on my poison dart frog tank to keep the humidity at optimal levels. Thanks!

Driver Leaves Car Window Open While Parked, Returns To Insane Cat Party

Driver Leaves Car Window Open While Parked, Returns To Insane Cat Party

This is a video from a driver who, returning to their parked vehicle after leaving their window open, discovered a group of cats throwing a rager. Why wasn’t I invited? You’d think the interior of that car was made of catnip the way those cats are going nuts! Regardless, that looks like my kinda party. Mostly the all cats and no people aspect.