This is a clip from the 2020 Crufts International Dog show of 10-year old border collie Breeze (representing Switzerland along with her caretaker Monika Ballerini) dancing to Evanescence’s 2003 banger ‘Bring Me To Life’ during the ‘Freestyle Heelwork To Music’ portion of the competition. Did she win? I’m not sure about the competition, but she definitely won a place in my heart. Right next to the hole my girlfriend left when she told me during a heated argument that I fart in my sleep.
Keep going for the video, which should start at 3:20 at the beginning of the performance.
UPDATE: As commenter Shiroinoshishi pointed out, there’s also a very spirited performance of ‘The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)’ at 19:31, including human dressed as fox.