On display at Bricks Cascade 2023 in Portland, Oregon, this massive Jurassic World LEGO build was constructed by a dedicated team of LEGO and Jurassic Park enthusiasts, complete with a giant volcano, moving vehicles, numerous buildings, and a ton of dinosaurs and minifigs. Could you imagine if this was in
Created by LEGO and Star Wars fan JK Brickworks, this is a video of a LEGO Endor Speeder Chase build set that’s been modded into a kinetic sculpture, with the speeder bikes weaving back and forth to give the impression of a chase between the trees. That’s cool. Granted, not
This is a video of Youtube Brick Technology constructing a clock almost entirely out of ingenuity and LEGO that counts seconds, minutes, and hours like a traditional clock, but also fortnights, months, years, decades, centuries, millennium, 100,000 years, megaannum (1,000,000 years), and a galactic year (230-million years). Its bob (weight)
Because what else are you going to do with 400 spring-loaded LEGO shooters, this is a video of Youtuber BrickstoryBuilds attempting to get them all to fire simultaneously at Bowser. Before that though he takes out some Star Wars battle droids with a sweet train-based shooting system. That’s cool, and
Inspired by Grand Davis’ previously posted linear LEGO domino machine, fellow LEGO builder JK Brickworks decided to finally finish the infinity loop LEGO domino track he’d put on the back burner, where all my own projects remain. The build consists of a ring of 64 dominos that fall, and as
Domino runs: it’s only the knocking them over part that’s fun. The setting up part is tedious and stressful, and usually (at least in my case) ends with a premature demolition and sadness. Built by LEGO builder Grant Davis using LEGO Technics parts, this machine will infinitely set up and
This is a video of LEGOmaniac The Brick Wall demonstrating the impressively functional washing machine he constructed entirely out of LEGO. It even adds the water, detergent, and has a wringing machine and spin dryer attachments. That is impressive. Is there nothing you can’t build out of LEGO? I mean,
Built by LEGO fan Brandon Jones and displayed at the recent BrickCon 2022 in Seattle, this massive Super Mario Bros level features 14 motors to make the pieces really MOVE. And you know how I feel about moving. “You try to as little as possible throughout the day.” Fact! “And