This is a video of bartender Jemina demonstrating her skills behind the bar by casually opening one bottle held in place with her neck, then a rapid fire five bottles in her arm quicker than the Flash. Damn! I’d argue the only way you could open a six pack any
Watching paint dry: I’m into it. It’s relaxing, like sitting on the toilet staring at the shower curtain with your elbows on your knees until your legs fall asleep and you have to crawl out of the bathroom on hands and knees. But enough about my morning ritual, this is
This is a short video of a puzzle cuber solving a Skewb Cube (a Rubik’s Cube-like puzzle consisting of five-piece faces “with cuts through the centre, orthogonal to the main diagonals”) so fast (I think he says 1.51-seconds) the guy working the backup stopwatch is confused as to what just
This is a video of kickboxer Pavel Trussov setting the Guinness World Record for most full-arm extension punches in one minute, with a very respectable 334. He also holds the world record for most full arm extension punches in three minutes, with an equally respectable 919. That is some stamina!
This is a video from the great outdoors of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, of a beaver gnawing through a freshly downed poplar limb in a cool 45 seconds before tossing it over his shoulder to go start construction on the new game room of his dam. Impressive! Of course if trees
Trying hard and believing in yourself: some people still do it. And to prove it, here’s a video of a man setting a new record for stacking eight cups, finishing in a blinding 0.990 seconds. Granted I’m not sure if that’s a new personal record or world record or what,
This is a video of pianist Hayato Sumino (aka Cateen) performing Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight Of The Bumblebee’ on a toy piano, at an ever increasing tempo, from 160BPM all the way to a blistering 250BPM. For reference, the original is typically played between 144 and 160BPM. In his own words