These are two videos taken aboard an Asiana Airlines flight to Daegu, South Korea, where a passenger in his 30’s decided to open an emergency door mid-flight. The plane was able to land safely, and the man admitted to authorities he opened the door, but didn’t provide a reason why. Not even a “I was wondering what this lever would do,” or, “I just wanted to see what would happen.” Or, if he were me, “Those eight cocktails at the airport bar really ran through me, but the person next to me was sleeping, so…” I mean who’s going to fault you for that?
Güney Kore’de Asiana Airlines hava yollarına ait yolcu uçağında bir yolcu bunaldığını iddia ederek uçuş esnasında uçağın kapısını açtı. Yolcu, tutuklandı.
— Hava Forum (@HavaForum) May 26, 2023