Skateboarder Ollies Up 23 Stairs In A Row

Skateboarder Ollies Up 23 Stairs In A Row

Because dream it, and with a long enough stamina bar, you can achieve it, this is a video of skateboarder Douwe Macare ollieing up 23 stairs in a row. He then ends the feat with a celebratory kickflip, just like I was hoping he would. For reference, I broke my arm in high school trying to ollie over my recycling bin in the driveway. Or, I should say, re-broke my arm, because it turns out the bone had never actually healed from the snowboarding break. Now I have a Luke Skywalker arm, but without the crazy story to tell about my dad chopping it off with his laser sword in a duel.

Keep going for the video, as well as one of it played backwards because someone (hopefully jokingly) suggested the video was reversed.

@douwemacare My legs were burning on that kickflip🥵🛹 #skater #ollie #fyp #foryou #awesome #fun ♬ The Hustle – Van McCoy

@douwemacare Antwoorden op @Brett flip it and reverse it 🔄◀️ #reverse #skater #foryou #fyp #skate #awesome ♬ Work it – Missy Eliott

Pro Ice Climber Rates Game Of Thrones And Other TV/Movie Ice Climbs For Realism

Pro Ice Climber Rates Game Of Thrones And Other TV/Movie Ice Climbs For Realism

This is a video from Insider of pro ice climber and Red Bull athlete (why climb when you can have all the wings you want for free?) Will Gadd rating ice climbing scenes from 9 different TV shows and movies for realism. Selections include climbs from Game Of Thrones, The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power, Jumanji: The Next Level, and Alien Vs. Predator, among others. I learned a lot by watching it. But mostly just how much I hate the cold. The closest I’ll ever come to ice climbing is the time my sophomore year at wizard college a witch let me touch her boobs. My fingers are still numb. Two frostbitten thumbs up, no regrets.

Giant Boulder Rolls Through Living Room, Almost Hits Homeowner

Giant Boulder Rolls Through Living Room, Almost Hits Homeowner

This is some home security cam footage from the home of Caroline Sasaki in Palolo Valley, Hawaii, of a massive boulder Koo-Aid Manning its way through the side of her newly remodeled home and across the living room, almost hitting Caroline on its way. Damn! Apparently this was just one of several bouldering incidents in the area, which residents believe have may been caused by a nearby developer carving out part of the mountain above, a claim that developer has denied (presumably while twisting the ends of his handlebar mustache). Well that answers that. It was just an angry lava troll pissed about the gentrification of its ancient volcanic domain.

All White Cat Only Has Colored Pattern Above Eyes

All White Cat Only Has Colored Pattern Above Eyes

This is a video highlighting the life of Squid ( on Instagram if you can’t get enough of this furball), an almost entirely white rescue cat that only has the markings of a grey tabby right above his eyes (and a little bit of black on his hind legs and tail). How about that! Squid’s owner says he reminds him of a cat that was being printed when the printer ran out of ink. That’s wild! Mostly the part about being able to print cats.

Melting 1,000 Cans To Cast An All-Aluminum Electric Guitar

Melting 1,000 Cans To Cast An All-Aluminum Electric Guitar

Because dream it and (with enough cans and a recycling center paying 5¢ apiece) you can achieve it, this is a video of luthier Burl of Burls Art crafting an all aluminum electric guitar after melting some 38-pounds of aluminum cans (over 1,000) to cast the neck and body. My body? My body should also be cast — in bronze. “Or into the sea.” Yes, or into the sea.

Thanks to my dad, who agrees that guitar should only be used to play metal.

39,949 Piece Pac-Man Themed Domino Maze

39,949 Piece Pac-Man Themed Domino Maze

This is a video of Youtuber TheDominoKing paying tribute to Pac-Man with three domino mazes inspired after the classic game, totaling 39,949 pieces. That’s impressive. Also, I like how he tiled the room with sound absorbing panels, presumable to muffle all the cursing so neighbors don’t call the cops when he accidentally knocks a domino over. The people that are able to do make these things — such patience. I can’t even wait the minute it takes to microwave Totino’s Pizza Rolls and just chomp on them like a dog on ice cubes.