The Mission Impossible Theme Performed On Banjo

The Mission Impossible Theme Performed On Banjo

This is a video of composer Lalo Schifrin performing the Mission Impossible theme on five-string banjo, giving it a real bluegrass feel. The sort of theme you’d expect to hear if Ethan Hunt wore overalls and chewed tobacco, and his impossible mission was preventing the authorities from discovering his moonshine still in the woods. Shoot, I’d pay to see that.

Colin Furze Turns Himself Into A Life-Size Weeble

Colin Furze Turns Himself Into A Life-Size Weeble

Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Trust me, I did a lot of experimenting as a kid. And now Colin Furze has gone and transformed himself into a real-life Weeble using a piece of semi-spherical molded concrete and a harness to attach himself to it. That looks like fun. At least five minutes worth, which is five minutes more than I’ve had in the last two years, so I’ll take it. Strap me in, push me off a boat!

Keep going for the video, the really good stuff starts around 11:20.

Santa Riding His Rocket Sleigh At The North Pole

Santa Riding His Rocket Sleigh At The North Pole

Because the whole world is a lot of ground to cover in one night, this is a video of Santa’s little helper Robert ‘Crazy Rocketman’ Maddox (previously) demonstrating a new rocket-powered sleigh he designed for the jolly gift-bringer. So, if you were wondering why Santa doesn’t come this year, it’s probably because he crashed his rocket sleigh into the side of a cliff Wile E. Coyote style. Or, even more likely, you were horrible this year just like you were last year. Don’t feel too bad about it though, Santa hasn’t bothered visiting my house since I was old enough to think.

Waking Up Woman In Plane To Weightlessness

Waking Up Woman In Plane To Weightlessness

This is a video of Instagram user its.PilotJohn performing a nosedive to allegedly wake up his female passenger with a little weightlessness. It’s true, I’ve found nothing wakes you up in a hurry quite like thinking you’re about to die. Was she actually asleep though? That’s debatable. A debate you would probably lose if you were arguing this wasn’t staged, or didn’t bring a lead pipe to the debate to intimate the other team (my debate team went undefeated in high school).

Massive Glacier Calving Caught On Video

Massive Glacier Calving Caught On Video

This is a video from Southern Patagonia, Chile of a massive piece of the 100-square mile Grey Glacier’s ice sheet breaking off and flipping over in the water. It’s particularly wild when you consider the glacier has an average height of 100-feet above the water, so that’s a huge chunk of ice right there. Almost as much as the bartender put in my cocktail last Friday. “I’m paying for booze here, not water!” I slurred in disgust just moments before being asked to leave.

Freaky Giant Eyeballs And Tongue Monster In Subway Station

Freaky Giant Eyeballs And Tongue Monster In Subway Station

This is some cool digital effects art created by Instagrammer hati.hati.mas of a trashcan monster living in a subway station that constantly sheds its eyeballs and tries to lick them up as they fall. Wow. If you’re into this (which I know you are because you’re weird), I also posted a couple other videos by the artist below this one. So go ahead, get your freaky deaky fix, I won’t judge. I will try to blackmail you though.