Model Rocket Replica Of Falcon 9 Makes Successful Landing

Model Rocket Replica Of Falcon 9 Makes Successful Landing

This is a short video of a model rocket replica of Space X’s Falcon 9 reusable rocket blasting off, then coming back down and using its thruster to make a soft landing on its feet. It’s like a cat in that regard. Me? I’m also like a cat, but in a completely different way. “You refuse to go to the bathroom where you’re supposed to.” That too, but I was going to say curiosity will probably kill me.

Thanks again to my dad, who I’m sure remembers the time we set a field on fire launching model rockets and had to call the fire department. Good times.

Man Balances Sofa On Head While Riding Bicycle

Man Balances Sofa On Head While Riding Bicycle

This is a short video from New York City of a street performer balancing a couch on his head while riding a bicycle. I believe this is the same man who was previously seen balancing a trash can on his head in this video. Dude’s got wicked balance. Me? I fell trying to put my shoes on this morning, and I was sitting on the sofa. Now I’m still on the floor, and I suspect the dogs are just waiting for me to expire so they can have a taste.

Thanks to my dad, who agrees everybody has a special talent, it’s discovering what your talent is that’s key. I think mine’s eating Halloween candy.

Bent Rebar Straightening Machine

Bent Rebar Straightening Machine

Because not everybody has the Hulk-like strength of yours truly, this is a satisfying video of a machine created by JP Botelho that was designed to straighten bent rebar. Is rebar that’s been previously bent as structurally sound as rebar that hasn’t been? I have no clue, do I look like a structural engineer to you? “Only if structural engineers look like slovenly layabouts.” I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, because I do not feel like getting up from my beanbag chair or putting on a shirt to fight you.

So Relaxing: Yo-Yo Ma Performs Bach Cello Concerto In The Woods

So Relaxing: Yo-Yo Ma Performs Bach Cello Concerto In The Woods

This is a lovely video of virtuoso cellist Yo-Yo Ma performing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in the wilds of the Great Smokey Mountains, setting up right next to hiking path and babbling brook. So relaxing, isn’t it? The perfect escape from the hectic pace of life. Me? I have also performed in the woods. But as a wizard during a LARPing campaign. Did I scout the area the night before and plant booby traps? A wizard never reveals his secrets! But yes, two elves did have to go to the hospital.

Clever Invisible Man Halloween Costume

Clever Invisible Man Halloween Costume

This is a video of a clever invisible man Halloween costume, which was apparently made on the cheap, and super fun. I can see that. What I can’t see is any way to drink cheap beer or witch’s brew while wearing it, which is certainly a detriment as far as I’m concerned. Also, I’m 6’1″, so this would have to be a VERY tall invisible man. Although, now that I think about it, I’ve actually gone as the invisible man to numerous Halloween parties in the past. “You mean you didn’t go.” But said I did, exactly.

@janalroach Should I try to do a tutorial on how to make this invisible man costume? It was less than $30 to make! #happyhalloween #halloweentok🎃 #costumeideas #easycostume #lastminutecostume ♬ Halloween ・ cute horror song – PeriTune

Riding An Elevator With A Curved Ascent

Riding An Elevator With A Curved Ascent

This is a video of Tom Scott riding the elevator at the New Town Hall in Hannover, Germany, an elevator that follows the 17-degree curvature of the cupola dome to the observation tower at the top. The elevator was originally constructed in 1913, and gutted and fitted with a new deathbox in 2007. The new elevator, which at times only has a 5mm clearance between it and the walls, features a glass floor panel that can be turned from opaque to transparent so you can see the drop below. Obviously, you’ll want to make sure it’s clear so the other passengers are already spooked, then start jumping as hard as you can.