Watch A Massive Amount Of Snow Slide Off A Warehouse Roof At All Once

Watch A Massive Amount Of Snow Slide Off A Warehouse Roof At All Once

This is a video from Japan of a group of men who have gathered to watch another man get all the snow that’s fallen on a warehouse roof to slide off. It takes what feels like eternity (skip to 0:50), but that snow comes down in a hurry when it finally does. It was like part of a glacier breaking off into the ocean, except snow from the top of a warehouse into a parking lot. Hopefully they have a snowplow to clean all that up or they aren’t going to be getting anything in or out of that warehouse anytime soon. Or maybe that was the plan all along. ‘Oh dangit, looks like the internet’s out, guess I’ll just go back to bed,’ I daydream every morning while pretending to trip over my router’s ethernet cord.

Thanks to my dad, who agrees there are few things in life more satisfying than a job well done.

Santa Takes Off In Paraglider, Immediately Crashes Into Power Lines

Santa Takes Off In Paraglider, Immediately Crashes Into Power Lines

In news that might explain why the peace on earth and goodwill towards man I asked Santa for this year never arrived, this is a video from Rio Linda, California of a man dressed as Santa taking off in a paraglider and immediately crashing into some power lines. Thankfully, the man (whose intention was apparently to drop candy canes to children playing below with sounds like a perfectly safe idea) was successfully rescued from the power lines by the local fire department, only suffering some numbness from being stuck sitting up there for so long. Man…the only thing that would have made this video better is if the business below him had been a liquor store, and there was a drunk crowd outside that started throwing bottles trying to knock him down.

Keep going for two videos, the first of the actual crash, the second a local news report.

Thanks to MSA, who agrees that with all the low-flying Santa does on Christmas, you’d think avoiding power lines would be second nature to him.

A Size Comparison Of Fictional Boats And Watercraft From Popular Media

A Size Comparison Of Fictional Boats And Watercraft From Popular Media

This is another size comparison video from MetaBallStudio (previously), this time comparing the sizes of various fictional watercraft from popular media (including video games). Which was your favorite? There are so many to choose from. Of course a wise person once said, it’s not the size of your ship that matters, it’s how you rock the boat. That person was not my girlfriend though because she doesn’t seem particularly impressed with my ship or sailing.

Pokemon Gengar Sleeping Mat Lets You Sleep On Its Tongue With Your Head In Its Mouth

Pokemon Gengar Sleeping Mat Lets You Sleep On Its Tongue With Your Head In Its Mouth

In other freaky deaky Pokemon bedding news, this is the Gengar sleeping mat available for pre-order from Bandai in Japan. Unlike those Pikachu centipedes, I’m pretty sure this is an officially licensed product, and its price reflects that at $250. *spit-takes Count Chocula* No wonder bootlegging is so popular. Speaking of — I tried making my own beer once but everyone who tried it got really sick. “Maybe it was the unwashed bottles you used.” I thought about that. Or the marsh water.

Keep going for several shots of different ways it can used, including bent over a desk with your head in its mouth.

Real Products That Exist: Pokemon Centipede Body Pillows

Real Products That Exist: Pokemon Centipede Body Pillows

These are the almost certainly unlicensed ‘Very Long Pikachu Insect Plushes’ available from Chinese online retailer AliExpress. They cost between $21 and $90 depending on length (available in 80cm, 1.1m, 1.4m and 1.7m varieties), and seeing one (or, even worse, one of every length) on a potential lover’s bed, is a sure sign you should probably start making excuses and your way to the nearest exit, lest you wake up in an ice bath with missing organs. Just trust me. Fool me once *lifting shirt to reveal scar on back* shame on you, fool me twice *turning around to reveal scar on belly* she even took my stomach.

Keep going for a bunch more shots.

An Excavator Painted Like A Dinosaur Head With Googly Eyes Eats A Building

An Excavator Painted Like A Dinosaur Head With Googly Eyes Eats A Building

This is a video from Chris Meyer, project manager at Turner Construction Company, which was hired to help with the renovation of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History on the school’s campus in Newhaven, Connecticut, of an excavator with its jaw attachment very appropriately painted like a dinosaur head (complete with googly eyes!) eating part of the old museum building. Man, can you imagine how much fun it would be to be behind the controls of that dinosaur? One minute you’re tearing the roof off part of the old natural history museum, the next you’re getting carried away and tearing through a wall of the English building. *daydreaming* Still to this day I regret not going into demolition or inventing Google or Amazon.