A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Winamp Skin Museum

A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Winamp Skin Museum

The online Winamp Skin Museum. Looking through all of these I can close my eyes and almost see my freshman dorm room. The loft bed with desk underneath, a huge 21-inch CRT monitor taking up most of the desk space, a Winamp visualizer playing at full screen. Little did I know at the time those were the days. Now? Now are not the days — now are the end times. Anybody want to help dig a fallout shelter to share with me? I promise this won’t end EXACTLY like 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Thanks to LlamaLover69, who clearly knows how to pick a quality alias.

Beaver Chews Through Thick Poplar Limb In 45 Seconds

Beaver Chews Through Thick Poplar Limb In 45 Seconds

This is a video from the great outdoors of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, of a beaver gnawing through a freshly downed poplar limb in a cool 45 seconds before tossing it over his shoulder to go start construction on the new game room of his dam. Impressive! Of course if trees were made of tacos my girlfriend could have eaten that whole limb in 30 seconds flat and would already be trying to distract me so she can reach across the table for mine.

Dog Dances To Evanescence’s ‘Bring Me To Life’ During Dog Show

Dog Dances To Evanescence's 'Bring Me To Life' During Dog Show

This is a clip from the 2020 Crufts International Dog show of 10-year old border collie Breeze (representing Switzerland along with her caretaker Monika Ballerini) dancing to Evanescence’s 2003 banger ‘Bring Me To Life’ during the ‘Freestyle Heelwork To Music’ portion of the competition. Did she win? I’m not sure about the competition, but she definitely won a place in my heart. Right next to the hole my girlfriend left when she told me during a heated argument that I fart in my sleep.

Keep going for the video, which should start at 3:20 at the beginning of the performance.

UPDATE: As commenter Shiroinoshishi pointed out, there’s also a very spirited performance of ‘The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)’ at 19:31, including human dressed as fox.

How To: Draw A Perfect Freehand Circle

How To: Draw A Perfect Freehand Circle

Need to draw some perfect circles? What is this, Venn Diagram class? Well I’m in the middle of sad and alone if it is. This is a video from DanHax detailing a technique to draw more perfect circles than you would have if you were just going to freeball it yourself without this pivot and paper-turning technique. Alternatively, trace a mug or plate. Do not trace your hand though, this isn’t Thanksgiving and we’re not painting finger turkeys.

Man Makes Himself A Human Scale LEGO Minifig Knight’s Helmet

Man Makes Himself A Human Scale LEGO Minifig Knight's Helmet

This is a video of Youtuber agepbiz’s quest (appropriate) to 3D print himself a human scale LEGO knight’s helmet large enough to fit his own respectable-sized dome. The process included taking close-up photos of a helmet then digitizing them into a computer model, then upscaling that model by 2020% and printing out the pieces. As you can see, the result is impressive. Of course if I were to print one for myself I’d probably have to upscale the helmet by 2800%, but that’s just me and I have a big head. Must be a lot of brain in there! “Or your skull is an inch and a half thick.” Honey! “What?” You know I’m self conscious about my skull thickness.

Military Historian Discusses The Realism Of Medieval Weaponry In Video Games

Military Historian Discusses The Realism Of Medieval Weaponry In Video Games

Created as part of WIRED’s Game Over(analyzed) series, this is a video of military historian Mike Loades (great name for a military historian) providing an in-depth analysis of the realism of medieval weaponry and armor used in games like Dark Souls, Mordhau, The Witcher 3, For Honor, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He really is a wealth of fascinating information, and passionate about his knowledge. The kind of guy I could sit next to at the bar for hours. Although, and by no means to discredit his wealth of fascinating information or passion, I could also sit there alone.