This is a video highlighting beautiful Midas, a cat born in Ankara, Turkey with a recessive gene that causes a quartet of ears. Don’t worry though, the ears don’t affect her in any way besides making her internet famous. Per her caretaker Canis Dosemeci: “Our Midas is very playful cat. She likes to cuddle and sit on my lap and sleep on my lap. She gets along with the dog …Yeah we’re a big family. We have never thought of buying a cat, we just wanted to rescue a cat from the street and we wanted to adopt her.” Awwww. Of course in Greek mythology everything that King Midas touched turned to gold and not ears, but she’s a super cutie so I’ll look past that.
Keep going for a video of Midas, who I imagine on the other end of the line during all those ‘Can you hear me now?” Verizon ads.