This is a video from a Homer, Alaska based Scenic Bear Viewing tour of the guides demonstrating what to do when a bear charges. They stress you should NOT run, but rather make loud noises and stand your ground to discourage the bear from approaching any further. Apparently bears have
Tired of the same old cold cut sandwiches pilfered from picnic baskets, this is a video of Yogi Bear stealing a family’s $45 Uber Eats Taco Bell delivery from their front porch in Orlando, Florida. Was there a Mexican Pizza in that bag? I should certainly hope so! And two
This is a video of a 17-year old male grizzly being re-released into the wild after being trapped by bear-biologist Tim Manley due to repeatedly raiding chicken coops. They moved him to a much more remote area for release with the hopes he has less run-ins with humans. And, to
This is a video from the Hitachi City Kamine Zoo in Japan of the staff practicing an escaped animal drill, with a man in a bear costume playing the role of escaped animal. I assume he’s supposed to be a bear, but the way he’s acting he could really be
This is a video from two hunters in a tree blind of a bear that’s chased up their tree by another bear, and proceeds to hang out with them briefly, giving them each a good sniff before exiting the tree. Of all the trees in the woods, it gets chased
This is a video of DJ Jody Flemming performing a live streaming techno and house music set during quarantine when a large black bear comes to his storm door demanding backstage access, presumably after confusing Jody for DJ Goldilocks and planning to exact revenge on her furniture. Per Youtube commenter
This is some backyard security cam footage from Greenfield, Massachusetts of an elderly gentleman catching some z’s by the pool when a bear wanders in, gets a drink from the pool, and politely wakes the man with a touch of the shoe (what is it with bears and shoes?), presumably
This is a video from a family that was fishing on Marshmiller Lake (Marshmallow Lake’s less s’moresy cousin) in Wisconsin when they spotted a young bear swimming around with a plastic container stuck on its head. See? this is exactly why you have to properly dispose of your two gallon