This is a video of a man retrieving a phone that’s somehow found itself stuck in the wall (I wonder how that happened), then proceeding to attempt a trick with a football he finds, falling into and breaking a window in the process. Wow, talk about a human wrecking ball.
This is a video of Derek Muller of Veritasium discussing the mechanics of extreme breath holding while athlete Brandon Birchak is submerged in a tank of water the entire time, holding his breath for an astonishing 17 minutes (the world record is 24 minutes, 37 seconds). Damn! Five seconds and
This is a video of a worker beneath one of those swinging pirate ship rides, apparently taking some sort of measurement that absolutely couldn’t be taken with an apparatus NOT held by hand and risking it all, with the pirate ship just grazing his head on both sides as it
Captured by Romanian photographer Stef Stanciu, this is a video of a family of endangered Alpine chamois (goat-antelopes) speeding down a mountain (possibly trying to escape the drone chasing them), traversing several rocky cliffs in the process. Man, those goatelopes have some SURE FOOTING. Me? I can’t even walk along
Because the internet never stops thinking of ways to improve my life (or at least prevent boredom one minute at a time), this is a video of the dance finale from Dirty Dirty, with ‘(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life’ replaced with the Muppet theme song. It works perfectly.
Ever wonder how all the King Kong and Godzilla iterations stack up to one another size-wise? You really must not sleep well at night. But here to help you get some much needed shut-eye is a visualization comparing the sizes of various Kongs and Godzillas. The Kongs are traditionally smaller,
In hold my beer news, this is a video of Scottish cyclist Danny MacAskill (previously) riding his bike across the length of a tennis net. What is he, practicing to be an extreme ball boy or something? Because that would make tennis a lot more exciting to watch. Right now
This is a video of Youtuber Ace Underwater dropping a GoPro off the Navarre Beach fishing pier in Florida to see what the hell is down there. SPOILER: a bunch of fish. And a dolphin. I did not see any treasure chests though, or any ghost pirates. A shame, because